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JEEP news newsletter

Monthly Newsletter Oktober 2023

JEEP strives to stop environmental destruction and promote efficient management of natural resources. The newsletter gives a monthly overview of our activities towards this mission. It provides small updates about project activities and gives insights about the events at our Folkecenter itself in the hope that the curious reader finds information worth knowing. This month at JEEP was all about finding new and innovative ways and strategies. It saw the first-ever installation of energy-efficient LED-lights, which have been tinkered on for some time now, as well as the venturing out into the new realm of health.

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JEEP news newsletter

Monthly Newsletter September 2023

JEEP strives to stop environmental destruction and promote efficient management of natural resources. The newsletter gives a monthly overview of our activities towards this mission. It provides small updates about project activities and gives insights about the events at our Folkecenter itself in the hope that the curious reader finds information worth knowing. TESSJEEP this month had one of its biggest events so far: The “Transition to Energy Sustainable Solutions” Expo.

JEEP news

Expo: Transition to Energy Sustainable Solutions

From To Thursday, 28th September Saturday, 30th September Invitation to the JEEP TESS ExpoOn the end of September, JEEP gladly invites to the Transition to Energy Sustainable Solutions (TESS) Expo. Here, we shall have productive and comprehensive discussions about contemporary energy challenges and respective solutions. Further, the event will be an opportunity to exchange past experiences while forging a common future. In this endeavour, JEEP is set to build partnerships for environmental protection and climate change adaptation with focus on the following:

Job Announcements

Job Announcement: Project Extension Officer

Location Duration of the assignment Nebbi District 1st July 2023 – 31st December 2024 (18 months) About JEEPJoint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP) is an indigenous registered Non-Governmental Organization in line with the requirements of the NGO Act 2016, located in Kyanja off Gayaza Road, 7 Miles from Kampala city center in Uganda. The Organization was founded in 1983 and it has been working directly with local community groups, individuals, institutions and other organizations to stop environmental destruction and promote efficient management of natural resources as its fundamental mission and a core vision for having a Ugandan society with a ‘’safe environment for a sure future’’.

Job Announcements

Job Announcement: Youth Mobiliser

Location Duration of the assignment Nebbi District 1st July 2023 – 31st December 2024 (18 months) About JEEPJoint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP) is an indigenous registered non-Governmental Organization in line with the requirements of the NGO Act 2016, located in Kyanja off Gayaza Road, 7 Miles from Kampala city center in Uganda. The Organization was founded in 1983 and it has been working directly with local community groups, individuals, institutions, and other organizations to stop environmental destruction and promote efficient management of natural resources as its fundamental mission and a core vision for having a Ugandan society with a ‘’safe environment for a sure future’’.

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JEEP news newsletter

Monthly Newsletter November 2022

JEEP strives to stop environmental destruction and promote efficient management of natural resources. The newsletter gives a monthly overview of our activities towards this mission. It provides small updates about project activities and gives insights about the events at our Folkecenter itself in the hope that the curious reader finds information worth knowing. ECO-PESAAs part of the ECO-PESA project, the headquarter team of JEEP administered follow-ups in Atyak and Paidha Sub-county.