

Transition to Energy Sustainable Solutions

Joint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP) conducted a three day Expo, inviting different stakeholders for discussions. These included personell in administration, civil society, academia, culture, and media. The Expo was deemed a success. Following the opening ceremony, a lot of people including school classes and groups of student informed themselves about energy sustainable solutions as well as other related projects and innovations developed by JEEP and others. Beyond efficient coal-burning stoves and ethanole-based stoves, the Expo for example also included ceramic water filters, education for sustainable development, and solar solution organisations sendea and solar nation.


Climate Action for Improved and Sustainable Livelihoods

Joint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP) in partnership with Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development (UCSD) is working towards promotion of sustainable local energy solutions and improved livelihoods for poor rural communities in Nebbi district with funding from Civil Society in Development (CISU) and Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (NFRE)- Denmark. It has a duration of 18 months (July 2023 – December 2024) The focus of the project is on Nebbi District (ND) to make it a JEEP Model district in climate mitigation measures and built-up community resilience, accessibility to environmentally friendly solutions and advocacy skills.


Biogas Promotion Partnership

JEEP has partnered with, a Mexican based company that manufactures prefabricated recycled plastic geomembrane biodigesters. technology is a biogas hybid reactor, designed to treat the daily waste of animal farms. The reactor ferments manure mixed with water, producing biogas and a powerfil bio fertilizer. partnered with JEEP to promote carbon financed project to help dairy farmers to acquire these systems at a subsidized price.


Environmental Education Project (ECO-PESA)

SummaryEnvironmental issues and controlling, mitigating them is becoming evermore important in the Zombo region in Uganda (more specifically the sub-counties Paidha and Atyak). Extensive, destructive usage of the soil and other natural resources, together with, among others, poor waste management cause more severe droughts, combined with the increase of spreading pests and diseases. To raise awareness and reduce these negative impacts, the project “Eco Pesa” (Swahili for “Eco Money”) focusses therefore on environmental education and income generation through practical environmental conservation.