Networking, Consultation and Advocacy

Networking & Consultation

JEEP supports networking among community-based groups, NGOs, schools and institutions, government authorities and international agencies for purposes of information exchange, experience and skills transfer on issues of forestry, energy, biodiversity conservation, appropriate technology and advocacy. JEEP is a member of Uganda National Alliance on Clean Cooking (UNACC), Uganda Solare Energy Association (USEA), Climate Action Network (CAN) and Participatory Ecological Land Use Managment (PELLUM). (For a full membership and partner list, see “Partner with us".)

JEEP participates in all environment-related national and international days.


JEEP advocates for policy change and law reform in favour of environment protection through submitting memoranda and participating in international solidarity campaigns for a better environment.

We have been involved in numerous local and international forums, consultative meetings with government agencies/departments and CSOs; contributed to national reports, participated in international celebrated days (e.g. World Environment Day) and international solidarity campaigns. During the Elections, JEEP holds a Green Manifesto Campaign, a “Green Checklist” to raise concern over environmental issues.