
JEEP news

Solar Light in 5 Schools in Amuria

JEEP has finalized installation of solar systems in 5 selected schools in Amuria districts. Pre visits to all the 5 schools was made physically or through correspondence prior to the installation. Security, maintenance, proper use and need among others were the prime issues considered during the selection of the school. The system installed will cater for light in 2 class rooms and 1 office ( in some of the installations) and 1 security light as below shown.

JEEP news

World Environment Day 2012

Curious about environment like all the time, JEEP was celebrating the World Environment Day (WED) on Tuesday, 5th June 2012 in the areas of Masaka and Kasese where they exhibited and showed our skills and activities. Theme of this years WED was the Green Economy. JEEP participated in events in both areas and exhibited a number of energy saving technologies including the TLUD stove, Sarai cooker, hay basket cookers, charcoal stoves and built up shielded rocket stoves on that day.