
JEEP news

Karamoja Project

Joint Energy and Environment Project (JEEP) in partnership with Food Agricultural organization (FAO) have laid down a plan to train Karimojong people who live in the North Eastern region of Uganda how to make energy saving stoves, tree planting and making live fences for their traditional houses locally referred to as ‘Manyatta’ Prior to the plan, JEEP staff (Ruth and Kevine) went on a familiarization tour to Karamoja with FAO staff in September 29th – 1st October, 2013.

JEEP news

Solar Dialogue

Ruth (CEO) encounters a delighted village resident in Butambala – Mpigi district during the solar lamp distribution – Lighting Africa project and she was impressed with the testimony of this man. “My dialogue with this resident inspired me as I walked away laughing.” Man: Madam, how are you? One village resident greeted me with a very big smile and remarked that ‘Let JEEP live for a hundred years’ Ruth: why?

JEEP news

Bukoba Project - Tanzania

On the 29th of August 2013 2 JEEP staff Rachael and Edna traveled to Bukoba District in Tanzania to follow up and assess energy saving stove project. A refresher course on energy saving stoves was done to equip the SAREPTA members with advanced skills. The members were also equipped with skills in tree nursery establishment and management. In March 2012 Joint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP) and Morso u-Landsforening (MUF) entered into a partnership to train members of SAREPTA womens’ group in the construction of Rocket Lorena energy saving stove, soap making, hay basket making, briquette making.

JEEP news

Energy Week Exhibition 2013

From the 24th to 28th of September was “Energy Week” at the National Theater in Kampala. That is an exhibition of many organisations and companies which are involved in energy saving solutions. Of course JEEP was also represented there with a stand where we showed our products. I would say, that we had the most varied items, like solar lamps, stoves, basket cookers, filtering systems but also soap. During every day the organisations could present themselves and so we also talked about our field work and trainings.

JEEP news

PELUM Farmers Stove Training

On 24th September 2013, JEEP trained a farmers group of 36 members in construction of Rocket Lorena two pot hole stove. This group was from Paida district northern Uganda supported by Lutheran World Federation. They received both theory and Practical knowledge. Participants being shown how banana stems and saucepans are removed from the stove to create space for firewood, air inlets and combustion chamber. JEEP welcomes other groups, organisations schools and Institutions for such training and many others.

JEEP news

First Impression!

My name is Patrick Lindner and I will stay for one year in Kampala and work at JEEP as volunteer. I just finished my Bachelor’s degree in physics in Germany and wanted to work more practically now. My sending organisation, “artefact”, already sent seven volunteers, to work at JEEP, therefore it became a good cooperation.I arrived in the beginning of August at Entebbe airport with a group of artefact volunteers, staying in Uganda.