Refresher Training for Tree Nursery Attendants

JEEP news

Refresher Training for Tree Nursery Attendants

Tree nursery attendants from seven districts under Tree Solar project received training at JEEP folkecenter from 06th to 07th /03/2013. JEEP trained them about different  topics which included; Site selection of a nursery, Timing, Diseases and pest control, Labelling, Knowing the species, Preferred species, Grafting, Budding, Pruning, Objectives of seed procurement, Seed collection selection.

Practicals sessions were also given attention to strengthen these topics to participants.









Practicals on grafting












A participant from Luwero budding an orange tree


Participants shared their experiences about nursery management with their fellow participants. Those who had successful stories encouraged others who had some challenges with nurseries to perform to their best.

A participant from Tororo sharing experience


A total of 15 nursery attendants from Luwero, Mukono, Kalangala, Tororo, Amuria, Lila and Arua.

Participants being demonstrated how to trap pests


At the end of the training, participants received seeds of different species which included; Seeds of Teak, Eucalyptus, Pine, Grevellia, Albezia and Giant Lira.