Response to Increased Environmental Degradation and Promotion of Alternative Energy Sources in Refugee Hosting Districts (RED)
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SummaryThe overall objective of this project is increased access to sustainable energy and other climate solutions to local communities in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania with both women’s and men’s full and effective participation and leadership for improved livelihoods and reduction of poverty. ObjectivesImmediate objective 1: local activities in 3 districts in UgandaEmpower poor, rural communities in three districts in Uganda, and in East Africa more generally, to get access to clean energy and improved livelihoods in an economic and climate friendly way, as well as to refine methods from previous projects to realise this.
Joint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP), between August 2017 to February 2018, set up 6 JEEP Green Power Units in Bubeke and Kyamuswa sub-counties, Kalangala District. The Units were set up at 6 landing sites with funding from United States Africa Development Foundation (USADF) under the project name, Solar Cold Storage and Lighting Project. JEEP works with 6 women groups to run the units. JEEP pre-commissioned the Green Power Units on 20th and 21st February 2018.
The aim of this intervention is to create awareness for behavioural change in proper waste management, clean cooking and tree planting as mitigation measures to environmental degradation in Soroti District. This includes capacity development and advocacy activities in the schools and at the district level. It is a project meant to be replicated in more districts after two years. The project addresses 4 UN sustainable development goals of Climate Action, Good Health and Well-being, No Poverty, Renewable Energy and Sustainability.
Joint Energy and Environment Projects partnered with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations (FAO) through Letter of Agreement number 035/2015 to support implementing partners in central cattle corridor to demonstrate and scale up climate change adaptation practices for environmental management under the Global Climate Change Alliance project (GCCA). JEEP is to undertake the following activities: Conduct ToTs for 672 FFS members on Energy Saving Stoves Establish 4 tree nurseries in the districts of Mubende, Sembabule and Nakaseke Support members from 36 FFS groups (or 720 households) to each plant at least 34 tree seedlings comprising agro-forestry and fruit trees at household level on crop land Developing entrepreneurial skills among FFS to promote renewable energy sources in the 6 districts.
The project is implemented as a cooperation between Seniors without Borders (SwB), Nordic Folkcentre for Renewable Energy and in Uganda Joint Environment and Energy Project (JEEP) and Safe Neighbourhood Foundation (SNF). SwB is project leader and responsible to CISU. The project is focusing on five environmental challenges in the Eastern Uganda, Mt. Elgon, Budaka and Moroto. Water Management or rather Mismanagement, Energy Crisis, Deforestation, Waste and Pressure on land/ Food Safety.