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Transition to Energy Sustainable Solutions


Start date:

 September 28, 2023

End date:

 September 30, 2023


Joint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP) conducted a three day Expo, inviting different stakeholders for discussions. These included personell in administration, civil society, academia, culture, and media. The Expo was deemed a success. Following the opening ceremony, a lot of people including school classes and groups of student informed themselves about energy sustainable solutions as well as other related projects and innovations developed by JEEP and others. Beyond efficient coal-burning stoves and ethanole-based stoves, the Expo for example also included ceramic water filters, education for sustainable development, and solar solution organisations sendea and solar nation.


Tree Planting

On the morning of the 29th, a delegation consisting of JEEP members and volunteers, as well as of Katonda Afayo members took part in a tree planting event at Grace Highschool. Education and Environment are connected in two ways: A good environment is supportive for learning and one can learn a lot of things with the environment, while education is also necessary to preserve the environment. The Major of Kasangati, the School Director, and others spoke to that matter. Further, the students also prepared a performance about the environment. Overall, a rich mix of fourty trees were planted, providing the campus with shade and fresh fruits to help with learning.

Students and JEEP delegation listening to program.

The first tree is planted.

Opening Ceremony

The Expo started with a prayer, blessing all of the remaining days. Shortly thereafter, JEEP CEO Ruth Kiwanuka opened the event by arguing for the renewed need to be vary of environmental concerns, especially with regards to Energy. Wood and coal make up about 80% of the Ugandan energy mix, which leads to increased environmental degradation. This in turn has effects on biodiversity and quality of life. Like the exhibition, the opening eremony included a lot of different ideas and perspectives. Speakers were as diverse as local grassroot intiative leaders, national and international NGOs, and an official from the ministry of water and environment.

JEEP CEO Ruth Kiwanuka addressing stakeholders at TESS.