Solar Cold Storage and Lighting Project
Joint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP), between August 2017 to February 2018, set up 6 JEEP Green Power Units in Bubeke and Kyamuswa sub-counties, Kalangala District. The Units were set up at 6 landing sites with funding from United States Africa Development Foundation (USADF) under the project name, Solar Cold Storage and Lighting Project. JEEP works with 6 women groups to run the units.
JEEP pre-commissioned the Green Power Units on 20th and 21st February 2018. Mr. Tom Coogan from USADF and Mrs. Joan Rutaroh from Uganda Development Trust (UDET) pre-commissioned one of the Units. Thereafter, JEEP had follow up visits and finishing works to the Units; and commissioned them by the end of May 2018.
Each Unit was installed with 2 solar powered freezers for fish and drinks cold storage services at a fee, solar phone charging at a fee and solar lamps for selling to the communities. Each unit was installed with 2 internal bulbs and 1 external security light. JEEP has so far raised about UGX.4,000,000 (USD.1,142) from the cold storage and lighting services and expects to keep raising more income. This will be used for re-stocking the units, for replacement / repair works and for replicating a unit at another landing.
The project contributes to 5 Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 1, 5, 7, 8 and 13.
SDG Number 1: No Poverty: The 6 women groups get income from the cold storage services and from selling the solar lamps.
SDG Number 5: Gender Equity: In running the units, the women are competing with men who tend to manage solar related businesses more than women in Uganda.
SDG Number 7: Affordable and clean energy: The Freezers, phone charging system and solar lamps use affordable and clean energy.
SDG Number 8: Decent work and economic growth: The women are working decently to raise income for themselves.
SDG Number 13: Climate Action: The units contribute to mitigation of climate change through use of clean solar energy.