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Start date:

 January 1, 2025

End date:

 March 31, 2025


  1. Background

    Heifer is implementing the Mott Foundation funded Distribtued Renewable Energy Ecosystem Model (DREEM) Uganda Hub project. The project is a three-year multistakeholder initiative (2024-2026) aimed at mobilising a diverse network of partners to deliver a skilled workforce, entrepreneurship development services, sustainable financing, and ecosystem coordination and support services in Uganda.

    The project aims to empower 1,500 farmers and provide solar skills, jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities to 1,000 undeserved youth and women entrepreneurs across the value chain of four dairy farmer cooperatives, foster sustainable incomes, provide access to reliable electricity, safe water, and strenghten resilience to climate change impacts

    The project is providing training, business support services, and adress barriers to expand access to Productive Use of Solar Energy (PUSE) by cooperatives and other dairy sector players throouh providing affordable financing solutions, and business and technical advisory services; and create a self-sustaining coordinating center, a DREEM hub that will continue to advance the PUSE in Uganda beyond the project period

    Heifer, in collaboration with a range of partenrs, aims to strenghtn Uganda's renewable energy ecosystem for the dairy sector, promote the project's implementation at scale in the sector, and its successful replication in other agriculture value chains. The impact demonstrated by this project will be used to prove the viability of solar-powered agri-business models to farmers, cooperatives, solar technology providers, financiers and government

    This project aims to partner with Joint Energy and Environmental Projects to set up solar for productive use demonstration showcases and to support the internship training of University students who will adress these challenges in the future. This initiative aligns with both Heifer International and JEEP's missions. Heifer is committed to end hunger and povery while caring for the earth, while JEEP's mission is to empower rural communities to adopt renewable energy and environmental conservation practices for sustainable livelihood. By integrating solar energy into agriculture, theh project addresses energy poverty while contributing to environmental sustainability


    The goal is to improve small hoder farmer's sustainabile agricultural practices and renewable energy adoption through the establishment of solar porwered productive use demonstration and learning center and to support the internship training of iniversity students

    Specific Objectives

    • To establish a producitve use of solar energy demostration center
    • To support a University students internshiplearning scheme
    • To train farmers in the productiveuse of solar energy
    • To document and disseminate best practices for scaling solar energy solutions in agriculture


Soil and Water testing

On 21st January, Water and soil tests were carried out to determine the sustainability of the available water for irrigation as well as to analyze soil fertility for optimal crop production. As part of the DREEM Hub Project initiative to enhance sustainability agriculture through solar powered irrigation, it was essential to asses the quality of boht water and soil at the JEEP Folkcenter demonstration site.

The water testing focused on key parameters such as pH, total dissolved solids, electriacal conductivity, mineral composition, and turbinity, ensuring the water meets safety standards for agricultural and human use.

Soil testing aimed to evaluate nutrient composition, organinc matter content, pH levels, and soil texture to determine its capacity to support prodcutive farming. Given that soil fertility directly affects crop yield and sustainability, the results of this analysis will guide appropriate soil management strategies, including the use of organic fertilizers, and irrigation techniques.

These tests were fundmental in designing an effective and sustainable agricultural model under the project, ensuring that farmers are equipped with the knowledge and resources needed for productive, climate-resilient farming.

Renovation of the existing shallow well

JEEP undertook the renovation and expansion of an existing shallow well. This activity was to ensure the well could accommodate a 10,000-liter capacity to support the installation of a solar-powered irrigatoin system. This enhances access to renewable energy solutions for sustainable agricultural practices as securing a reliable water source, strenghthens resilience against climate change effects, particulary prolonged dry seasons that negatively impact agricultural productivity

Activities executed
  • Widening the existing shallow well to ensure suffecient water is available
  • Removal of debris, clay and unwanted materials from the well to improve water quality
  • Strengthening the well's interiar walls for water proofing and prevention of contamination

Clearing and leveling Farming land

JEEP cleared and leveled 1 acre of its land and subdivided it into smaller gardens to demonstrate how the irrigation systems can help in farming. Securing enough farm land to demonstrate the solar irrigation system ensures efficient execution of the project's goal as there is access to renewable energy solutoins for sustainable agricultural practices.

The key objectives of this activity
  • To prepare a demonstration farm land for testing and showcasing solar irrigation sytems
  • To create a practical learning environment for farmers, students and agricultural stakeholders
Outputs Achieved
  • One acre of land cleared and leveled, ready for solar irrigation installation
  • Demonstration plots established for training
Expected Outcomes
  • Farmers and agricultural stakeholders will gain hands-on knowledgeof solar-powered irrigation systems and visual impression of the systems
  • Increased adoption of renewable energy solutionsin farming communities
  • Strengthen capacity for sustainable agriculture through practical training

Fabrication and installation of a 10,000 liter tank stand

A 10,000-liter tank stand was acquired to hold a 10,000 liter stand to store and distribute water efficiently. The installation of the tank stand endures that the water storage is raised enought to take advantage of gravity to support the irrigation system, addressing water accessiblity challenges for sustainable agricultural practices

Output of the Activity
  • A structurally sound 10,000-liter tank was successfylly fabricated and isntalled
  • The stand was positioned at the highest point within the JEEP center to maximize water distribution efficiency
  • Expented Outcomes
    • The tank stand will provied support for the 10,000 liter storage and provide enough height to aid in efficeient distribution of water for irrigation
    • The system will serve as a pratical learning model for farmers, students and other stakeholders