This Month at JEEP – 02.2022
In this newsletter we briefly mention what we have been up to in the last month, hoping the curious reader enjoys following up.
With a “bit” of delay, the rather large solar installation at Imvepi Refugee Center is finally finished. Delays had multiple causes: car troubles, delayed delivery of solar panels, long production time of metal constructions,… Nevertheless, the whole system is now up and running. It powers several lights for the big market place in the center and stores/provides electricity for other equipment.
Electrical circuit for the solar installation in Imvepi Refugee Center
Some of the solar cells as placed in Imvepi Refugee Center
Work on another project also continues: ECO-PESA. This month, JEEP staff visited Zombo District to spread the way of building institutional energy saving stoves and. Additionally the project itself was introduced to district and sub county leaders.
Introduction of ECO-PESA
The built institutional stove as part of ECO-PESA
Group photo of the introduction event for ECO-PESA in Zombo
This month JEEP Folkecenter hosted, as part of the EASE-CA project, a training session to teach people about and sensitize people on the new environmental laws, which were not so long ago signed by the president. This was done in cooperation with UCSD and INFORSE East Africa. These will help in empowering people to fight for their environment and towards a more sustainable future. (See also the National Climate Change Act 2021 and the National Environment Act 2019.)
Environmental Law Training – Group photo