This Month at JEEP – 01.2022
Welcome to our new (revived) monthly newsletter! First of all, a belated Happy New Year! Here, we’ll briefly mention our progress of the month, our projects and important meetings and activities, hoping you might enjoy reading it and following it up.
This Months Meetings
In January it is time to discuss our programme for the next year, and reflect on what could be improved and what went well. This, among others, happens in our JEEP 5 year plan meeting. One of our main conclusions was that more fundraising is needed to ensure that the work plan and budget 2022 is accomplished. On he other hand, several projects are on track, and while this year will be a busy year, we believe we are largely following our 5 year plan.
Additionally, JEEP, part of the Uganda National Alliance for clean cooking (UNACC), participated in a meeting organized by UNACC and Uganda National Bureau of Standard (UNBS). The meeting aimed to discusses the need to tell manufacturer’s and producers that there is standard for stoves in Uganda and that all manufacturers and producers have to register with UNBS to get certificate for their stoves. It was concluded that this standard should be made mandatory in the future.
This Month in Projects
Last month we visited West-Nile, Zombo District to have a pre-project visit and discuss the upcoming project ECO-PESA with district, county & sub-county leaders. The upcoming projects first aim is to spread environmental awareness and to increase environmental conservation. to spread more environmentally friendly ways to generate income. Among others, this is done by teaching about the importance & benefits about a healthy environment and spreading more environmentally friendly alternatives to generate income.
Another project was executed in Imvepi Refugee Center, Arua District, where we installed a rather large solar system aiming to power lighting and various other much-needed systems.
This Month at JEEP Folkecenter
On the compound itself we had some students eager to learn about briquette and herbal soap making. As a result we had four splendid training days were we gave an interactive course of how to make various products. From briquette making to different kinds of herbal soap (Bathing soap, and liquid soap).
We’re also exploring the idea of a compost pit on our compound, in the hopes of processing biowaste in a useful way.
Finally, we would like to welcome our three new interns from Bugema university doing Bachelor’s IN Environmental science and Natural Resource management. We are eager to work with them and look forward to a healthy and productive addition to the team.