JEEP 10th Anniversary at Folkecenter.

JEEP news

JEEP 10th Anniversary at Folkecenter.

On 14th November 2015 JEEP celebrated their 10th Anniversary at their home JEEP folkecenter in Kyanja. The celebration began with marching by the participants around Kyanja trading center. JEEP exhibited different types of renewable energy at the center where by many people from different district were so excited to see these technologies how they work. All JEEP members from various districts, schools and other invited guests celebrated together with JEEP staff. The Board of directors represented by Dr. Ssekamatte Ben welcomed the visitors to the ceremony , he informed the visitors that JEEP has been in existence for over a decade  and thanked the staff and administration for the work, he thanked MS Uganda for assisting JEEP with getting for the center and partners such as the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (NFRE), FAO, Merkur bank, Energi  Nord  and other partners who continue funding JEEP. He informed the participants that Energi Nord has donated a number of lamps and requested corporate companies like banks to do so, JEEP is involved in many projects across the country in districts such as Kasese, Mpigi, Bududa, he requested participants to carry out at least one environment activity i.e. solar, tree planting in their areas. He concluded the speech by emphasizing JEEP’s mission which is “A safe environment for a sure future”


[caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“426”] The matching in Kyanja Ntinda road. Oda and Desiree volunteers at JEEP with the banner.[/caption]

[caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“431”] Chief Guest and JEEP Board of Directors[/caption]


[caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“434”] The St. Yusufu Lugalama Ntinda church choir entertained the Guests[/caption]