CERP – Community Environment Resource Persons/ Lutheran World Federation team from Pader and Kitgum district
CERP – Community Environment Resource Persons/ Lutheran World Federation team from Pader and Kitgum district
On the 20.08.2014, through PELUM (Participatory Environmental Land Use Management) coordination and networking with different organization, 40 farmer groups under Lutheran World Federation (LWF), were trained by JEEP in constructing energy saving stove – particularly in building the (Rocket Lorena Stove) at the JEEP folke center.
During the one day training, participants learned that the Rocket Lorena energy saving stove is efficient in cooking faster while emitting less smoke through a chimney and prevents accidents.
Participants had the opportunity to tour the center and learn about diverse renewable energy technologies and sustainable agricultural practices.
40 farmer groups under Lutheran World Federation (LWF) learning about the efficiency of the Rocket Lorena energy saving stove at the JEEP Center