Invitation to Stakeholder Consultation meeting

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Invitation to Stakeholder Consultation meeting at JEEP Headquarters on 18th March 2025





Name of the Project: "Efficient Cooking Stoves Programme for Uganda"

The Efficient Cook Stoves Programme for Uganda is a joint initiative by the Ugandan companies Agro Supplies House Ltd, Amaya Wood, Joint Energy and Enviroment Projects (JEEP) and the German non-profit company atmosfair gGmbh to promote the dissemination of high energy efficient cook-stove-sets to households in Uganda. The disseminated efficient cook stove sets up to 80% of fuel and/or charcoal.

Wood fule consumption for charcoal production or cooking is one of he main driver of land use chanvge and deforestation in Uganda. Traditonal non-efficveient cooking methods such as three-stone fires require large quatities of wood fuel, hence leadign to greenhouse gas traditional, inefficeient methods of charcoal production, which often result in only 10-20% charcoal yield form the wood used, leading to loss of a significant amoutn of wood

Besides reducing green gas emissions and contributing to mitigating global climate change, the project will contribute to sustainable developmentby:

  • Bringing wood consuption down so as to allow natural recovery of forests and/or reforestation to take place
  • Reducing soil erosion and protecting the enviroment
  • Diminishing indoor air pollution form wood and charcoal smoke and avoiding the harmful health consequesnces
  • Diminishing charcoal or fuel wood expenses for households
  • Reducing fuel wood collection time for households

Efficient cook-stove-sets will be sold to families at a reduced price, making the stoves affordable even to low-income househods. In return, families will agree to participate in monitoring of stove usage

The initiators want to inform you about the project timeslines in order to recieve your feedbakc on these issues and to asses the sustainable development impacts of the project. For this purpose, JEEP, Agto supples Howuse Ltd, Amaya Wood and atmosfair are conducting a stakeholder meetings on

Event Details
  • Time:9:00 am -- 2:00 pm
  • Date:March 18, 2025 -- March 18, 2025
  • Location:Kyanja Gayaza Road, P.O. Box 4264, Kampala, UG