Transition to Energy Sustainable Solutions
JEEP gladly invites you to come join our “Transition to Energy Suatainable Solutions” - short TESS Expo. Located on our compound, you are invited to come and inform yourself about various actions and projects implemented, planned and currently undergoing. Multiple partners will join us in presenting their own solutions. In addition, the event is planned as a networking event where different stakeholders of all professions shall come together and discuss their ideas, innovations and future plans. Stimulated by the Expo, this opens the door for productive discussions and building energy sustainable solutions together.
In this endeavour, JEEP is set to build partnerships for environmental protection and climate change adaptation with focus on the following:
- pro-active media engagement
- dialogue for enabling policies
- community mobilizaton for action
JEEP has invited representatives from the Wangari Mathaai Foundation, and representatives from the Ndyakira Amooti family, whose presence at the TESS Expo and related activities will be significant in creating the awareness required to mobilize the public for action for environmental protection and climate change adaptation.
We are looking forward to see you here!