NFRE 40 years celebration
Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy is a Danish independent non-profit organization working for 100% renewable energy for the whole world. Our ultimate long-term goal is the complete replacement of fossil fuels and nuclear power with renewable energy and energy savings, while promoting sustainability, resilience, and development of local communities around the world. Therefore, Folkecenter collaborates with local civil society organizations, research and training centres, companies, professionals, and governmental authorities from all over the globe. Folkecenter is part of international networks, including partners in Western and Eastern Europe, in developing countries and the Global South. Folkecenter is a member of the European Renewable Energy Centres Agency (EUREC) and the Forum for Energy and Development (FED). Folkecenter is founder and active member of the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), the European Association for Renewable Energy (EUROSOLAR), the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) and the International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE).
Community action including research in Renewable Energy - Danish SMEs and Folkecenter paved the way for the Danish Renewable Energy Adventure.