The JEEP Folkecenter aims to be a think-tank for new, environmentally friendlier ideas and houses our office as well as numerous agriculture, forestry, energy saving and waste reducing technologies for demonstration purposes. Among others, it includes:
Bottle house
The bottle house aims to give plastic waste a second life. More specifically, it uses a large amount of plastic bottles, which would otherwise end up being burned or pollute the environment. The plastic bottles are completely filled with soil. They are then stapled and fixed by mortar. This way, the amount of building material is radically reduced, as no bricks are needed.

Energy Saving Stoves
The Energy saving stoves are also demonstrated at JEEP Folkecenter. They aim to reduce firewood consumption and thereby help the environment. This is done by insulating unwanted heat dissipation and optimising the burning conditions of firewood. They are made from local materials like ant hill soil, dried grass or dried banana leaves and water, which makes them straightforward to build.
Tree Nursery
The compound also houses a tree nursery, which was established to provide quality tree seedlings to the community, to increase source of income to the centre and to equip internees and trainees with competences in nursery practices. Additionally, it serves in multiplicating tree species and enhances ecological tourism.

Herbal/Vegetable Garden
Our vegetable and herbal gardens supply JEEP with quality spices and vegetables while also increasing sale revenues. Additionally, it acts as training ground for learners in vegetable growing and spice production, while – again – enhancing ecotourism, producing seedlings for sale and just completing the overall look of the compound.
Solar Technologies
We work on solar technologies with the aim to promote renewable energies, reduce carbon emissions and simultaneously lower expenses. As such, we provide solar lamps, demonstrate how solar dryers work and are able to install solar installations.

Guest House
Our guest house provides a roof for anyone traveling a longer distance or just having to stay here for a prolonged time.