

Right Light

Right Light is a project founded and funded by Enactus Southampton at the University of Southampton. It has been successful in Madagascar and Kenya before and JEEP has partnered with Enactus to implement the scheme in rural Uganda in January 2013. Right Light aims at spreading the use of solar lamps within Ugandan communities. After getting to know the targeted villages and giving out testing lamps, JEEP provides a chosen resident with financial and technical training to become a local entrepreneur for their village, running a solar lamp renting/selling business.


TRAction project

TRAction project is aimed at developing, testing and evaluating state of the art behavior change interventions to improve the acquisition and correct use of a locally fabricated mwoto stove in Uganda. This project is funded by USAID through University Research Corporation (URC). It is implemented by Program for Appropriate Technologies in Health (PATH), Joint Energy And Environment Projects (JEEP) and Center for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC). The TRAction project will integrate behaviour change interventions including a direct sale model.


Solar & Tree Planting Project

The Nordic Folkecenter for renewable energy working in partnership with Joint Energy and Environment Projects (JEEP) has continued to support the implementation of the solar and tree planting project in the selected 7 districts of Uganda. During this period, JEEP conducted a follow up on the tree nursery leaders and solar systems to continue encouraging nursery leaders by giving them on spot advice and further training and remind them of the project objectives to be attained and to follow up on the solar systems to assess how the systems are benefiting the schools, fix technical problems if any and advice on the management and use of the systems.


Agriculture, Nutrition and Environment Conservation

JEEP met these objectives: 104 TOTs trained 26 gardens and tree nurseries for schools 5000 trees planted 520 woodstoves built 4 institutional stoves built The TOT training was split into theory and practical session. Theory includes environment development, energy crisis, tree planting, soil and water conservation, natural pest control and extension networking. The practical lessons taught construction of energy-saving stoves, rapid multiplication techniques for field establishment and nursery establishment and management.


Biomass Energy Initiative Africa (BEIA)

[caption id=“attachment_424” align=“alignright” width=“150”]Showing the TLUD stove in action[/caption] In cooperation with the Center for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC), the World Bank Group, Winrock International, Berkeley Air and PATH this project cares about the promotion and distribution of 10.000 Top lit updraft (TLUD) stoves in combination with training local tinsmiths and sales agents in 25 districts of Uganda. During the implementation of the project, JEEP has been assigned the task of creating awareness to the public about the project and the use of the stove as well as follow up and monitoring to access the progress of the report.


Community Capacity Building / Solar and Tree Planting

[caption id=“attachment_418” align=“alignright” width=“150”]Training Tree Planting[/caption] Introduction Forests and woodlands are estimated to have covered about 10,800,000 ha (45%) of Uganda’s surface area in around 1890. Since then the size of the forest estate has drastically shrunk. Over the years the forests have been gradually cleared and today estimates indicate reduction to about 730,000 ha which is only (3%) of Uganda’s area Access to electricity in Uganda is limited for most of the population.