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Solar Lighting & Stove, Funded by Merkur Cooperative Bank, Denmark

Update June 2015LIGHT in Schools It’s so expensive, in fact, that we’ve heard stories of parents stopping their children from studying at night because they can’t afford the kerosene to keep the lights on. Teachers in rural areas often complain that their urban peers have an unfair advantage simply because their children have light at night. The donation of 30 Solar powered lighting units to 30 schools is the best solution for the future in the above stories and complaints.

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Briquette Training - Bududa & Kapchorwa

From the 20th-22nd January 2014, JEEP carried out 2 awareness and training sessions in the districts of Bududa, Kapchorwa and Budaka. This training aimed at creating awareness on the effects of climate change and the depleting forest cover resulting from cutting down of trees for wood and charcoal fuel. Well, the use of briquettes as an alternative to wood fuel would serve to reduce the pressure on green cover especially trees since they are made from locally available biomass materials such as coffee husks, wood shavings, sticks, shrubs, grasses and agricultural plant remains.

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Improving Food Security & Diversification of Livelihood Opportunities for Communities in Karamoja region

Implementation of environmental management activities in the Karamoja region In light of the twin problems of climate change and environmental degradation with an effort to increase the adaptive capacity of the vulnerable communities to mitigate droughts/floods, FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in collaboration with JEEP - Joint Energy and Environment Projects are supporting communities in Karamoja to build resilience through implementation of environmental management activities in the region.


Knowledge, Advocacy and Lobbying for the Benefit of Renewable Energy and Climate Change Mitigation in Uganda

Update May 2015Members of Parliament seminar on KAL ProjectMembers of parliament from the district where KAL project is carried out together with the members of Parliamentary Forum on Climate Change (PFCC) were invited. However, a big number of them did not turn up due to many committees which were sitting at the same time. We were also told that others were back having campaigning for the coming elections.


Media Awareness Learning Tour Project

Joint Energy and Environment Projects hosted local media houses in Uganda on the 9th December 2013 by carrying out the Media Awareness Learning Tour at the demonstration center with the goal of Educating, Communicating and providing Information to spread extensively to diverse audiences within and without Uganda. JEEP successfully implemented the awareness initiative where 17 people from the media; (Newspapers, Radio, TV) attended and participated .It was acknowledged by JEEP staff that globally media plays a profound role in promoting a universal understanding of the fact that the world faces environmental crises and that developing nations hold an important key to saving the earth, yet the demand for biomass energy has outstripped the sustainable supply with a rapidly growing population of 34.


JEEP & ENVenture energy saving shop

Beginning in 2007, when JEEP’s staff received a solar training by experts of the Nordic folkecenter and Mali folkecenter, JEEP’s solar projects in Uganda have been highly successful. One of the first villages to be included in one of those projects was Wabutungulu in Luwero District. A solar run phone charging shop for the local community opened its gates in 2008 and will now be turned into an energy saving shop using an elaborated business concept.